Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Summer Reading Camp - Day 1

This summer I am helping teach at one of the local elementary schools as part of a practicum for the Teaching Reading online class I'm taking. Today was the first day for us interns on the job. There are about 40 kids, 4 lead teachers, and 4 intern teachers (I am one of them). The ages of the kids range from going into 3rd grade - 6th grade.

Today we were supposed to go to the post office, but apparently they got way behind schedule the past two days, so they're going tomorrow...but us interns won't get to go cause we're only there M, W, F. Sad day :(

My favorite funny story from today happened first thing this morning. We all met in a big group and we were looking at Google Earth on the SmartBoard and talking about what a community is. Joe, one of the lead teachers asked for examples of a community, and one kid said France. About 30 seconds later another kid said Paris. (What is up with these kids' obsession with France?!)

Finally we got them to think of S., and then we started listing jobs that people have in our community. Trying to get them to think of police and firemen, one of the other lead teachers asked "Who helps keep us safe?" The littlest guy in the group put his hand up and shouted out "GOD!" :)

I thought it was so cool, we all busted up laughing about it, but it totally put me in a good mood for the rest of the day. These kids are way too stinkin cute :)

1 comment:

Mark and Wendy said...

That's too cool! Yep, God does keep us safe, even though He doesn't have to wear a uniform!