Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Yesterday, I finally got to meet Mike, a guy Tricia works with, whom she introduced me to via Facebook about a month ago. We've been talking via e-mail & phone since then, and since he was in Anchorage for a day on his way up to the slope to work, I drove up and we finally met in person and spent the afternoon together! We went out to eat and then took the tram at Alyeska up to the top, which I have never done before. It was incredible! It had started raining after dinner, but it was absolutely beautiful and sunny while we were on the mountain. All in all, it was a wonderful date! :)




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1 comment:

Mark and Wendy said...

I didn't know that was in the works. Hmmm...she called it a date-there better not have been any PC going on!