Dave surprised me with this adorable little bundle of joy today! He called me from his house, home early from work, and told me that something had happened at work, and that I needed to come over right away so he could talk to me about it. He also told me to bring my camera because something had happened to his yard that I had to see. I was absolutely panicked, as he seemed incredibly serious, but I couldn't figure out what work and his yard had in common...
Turns out he really just wanted me to come see the puppy and knew I'd want my camera, so had to make something random up! It worked! :)
He had Louie sitting in the box we brought Buck home in, with a big pink bow tied around his neck.
Louie is actually a black lab / golden retriever mix, although all you can see in him is the golden, and he's about 7 weeks old. He's fluffy and sweet and loves to cuddle, and has the cutest tail!
He can get around a lot faster than Buck did as a puppy, but still can't quite make it up the stairs!
Buck is surprisingly being very good with him - at times
Louie holds his own and growls and barks at Buck when he's getting too rambunctious, and Buck has been following him around ever since Dave brought him home!
He's a bit jealous of course, but seems more curious about him than anything.
Dave got Louie in the hopes that having another dog around would help calm Buck down and keep him entertained, after his bouts of chewing up the drywall and linoleum (eeck!) In the hour I was there tonight, I could see that the idea actually might work!
I'll just have to remind Dave that this was all HIS idea when he complains about the lack of sleep for the next month or so ;)
We checked the blog out right when we got your email, but hadn't yet had a chance to comment! He's sooo cute! Does Buck still like him, or is there sibling rivalry going on? Jacob can't seem to say "Louie." It comes out either "Loulie" or "Oolie." We can't wait to meet him!
you know, I think you have more pictures of your dogs than you do your nieces and nephews. Just an observation. Hmmm...
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