Monday, October 19, 2009

Got the Job!!!

Just got a call that I got the tutoring job!!! Yahoo! :) I start Weds. afternoon. Please be praying that taking on this job will not take away my sanity...if it's not totally gone already :p

Jacob's 5th Birthday Party!

Jacob on the dirt bike with Rusty - what a ride! :)

Cake Time!

Anna's many outfits (and the pink cast accessorizes with them all so nicely!)

Anna's on the move!
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These children look like stars in a very odd combination of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Forgot to say earlier that I had an impromptu job interview after teaching today! I found out a couple days ago that there's an opening for a tutor at the after-school program at the school I teach at, and it pays pretty good too! So after I finished up for the day, I went and met with the director. I'd be working with a small group (usually no more than 8 kids at a time) of 5th-6th graders, for a few hours after school. They'll probably be able to work around the one class I still have every week (if I get the job...) and it's in the same building I teach in, which is obviously incredibly convenient. Oh yeah, and did I mention it pays good? (between $13 and $17 an hour...sweet!) So please be praying that I get the job!

Student Teacher Woes

Right now I'm in the process of getting certified to substitute teach, and I personally think it's a little bit insane. We have to pay $25 for the sub. teacher training class (supposedly the $ is to cover the Handbook and lunch...okay then...better be the best Handbook I've ever read and lunch that's out of this world!) AND everything we're supposedly covering is everything that I learned in my week of in-service days the week before school started...OSHA, sexual harrassment laws, district policy, etc etc etc. So not only do I already know all of this, and have my school's handbook covering all of it, I get to PAY to hear it all again! And seeing as money's a little hard to come by, due to the lack of job, which is due to the lack of time, which is due to this whole student teaching thing to begin just seems like a lose-lose situation. GRR!

Oh, and, and! When I finally AM certified to sub., I'm only allowed to sub. for my mentor teacher, and I'm only allowed to sub. 10 times this year (whereas a girl who I took classes with last year can sub. for anyone in the district, including MY teacher, as often as she wants, and she's a year behind me in the Ed. does that make sense?!)

The paperwork for getting certified is a whole other story that I'm not gonna get into...but the weirdest thing to me is that I have to have yet another physical done...they can't just use the one I had 2 short months ago so that I could start my internship...doesn't make much sense to me! How much could my health have changed in 2 months...seriously...

Anyway, there is my venting for the day. Don't get me wrong...I love student teaching, I love my kids, I love my mentor teacher, and my advisor, and my school...I's just all this other crap that gets in the way of that all that makes me wanna go crazy! :)