Sunday, May 11, 2008


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Roman's 1st Trip to Homer

This past Saturday, Lisa's mom was in Homer with her little sisters for a swim meet, so Lisa asked if I would like to join her and Roman on a little road trip. I thought it was a great idea since we've finally been having nicer weather and I haven't gotten to see them much this week since she's started work again!

We decided to walk on the beach...

...a feat much more difficult than you'd expect with a stroller on a rocky beach...

...we had to take turns. Thankfully Roman slept through the whole ordeal :)

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Catching up with Roman

Roman, of course, grew like a weed in the 5 days that I was in Portland, but when I got back, we had an Auntie B chat about all that I had missed.
He tells some great stories, complete with giggles and grins.
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This is one of the girls I met at school last year, JoJo. She was only there for the Spring semester, but in that short amount of time we became best friends and still keep in regular contact. She was nice enough to drive down from Seattle to spend a couple days with me while I was in Portland. We spent most of our time together with a friend of Dave's, Markus, who lives in Dave's hometown in Oregon, less than an hour from the school. We had fun cruising around Portland and exploring the beach, and as you can see from the pictures, we had a blast just spending time together. :)
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Kelly, the graduate

The group of girls I was closest with last year:
Amanda, Briana, Kelly, Lauren

Emily, another close friend and fellow 3rd-Floor-er

Kelly, glad to be done with school!
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Vacation in Portland

I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to Portland last week for 5 days for my dear friend Kelly's graduation. It was wonderful catching up with the people I went to school with last year, and a much needed vacation! Much fun was had by all.
Portland at night as seen from Rocky Butte
Mt. Hood, captured while sitting in one of the ever-so-lovely traffic jams
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