Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Buck Meets the Fam!

Two weekends ago was Jacob's 3rd Birthday party. Dave rode along with me to attend the festivities, and we brought Buck along as well to meet the rest of the family! The kids seemed to love him; Jacob's squeals and giggles from Buck trying to lick him was absolutely priceless. Buck seems to like them, too. ;)

I am hoping to get more recent pictures of Buck posted soon, as he is quite bigger than he is in these pictures. His paws are HUGE and he's really teething now. When you go to pick him up, his mouth automatically opens so he can chew on your hand, or zipper, or hair, or whatever is closest! Dave calls him his "little alligator." :)
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Saturday, October 27, 2007

The first of many blogs (I hope!)

Well folks, we're going to try this again. My last attempt at blogging failed miserably after lasting for only a few months. And now, I'm back home again, so its use as a way to keep the fam updated is pretty null...go figure. :) I would say this is going to be a place to post lots of fabulous snapshots from my life...but seeing as the two photography queens of the family already have blogs, that idea seems pretty null as well. But, I digress, this will be fun, I am determined. :)